In collaboration with the American Genre Film Archive, Sensoria Festival and Reel Steel present the notorious Taiwanese martial arts classic Shaolin Invincibles (1977) - with the PREMIERE of an original live re-score from BAFTA-nominated videogame music composer Chipzel.
Two sword-wielding sisters seek revenge against the villains who murdered their family, but to do this they must battle kung-fu gorillas, Heibai Wuchang (Black and White guardians of the underworld), and a host of assassins intent on ending their quest.
Starring the magnificent Judy Lee (Queen Boxer) and the fierce Carter Wong (John Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China), this supreme basher combines the electricity of a Super Nintendo game with exceptional fight choreography to deliver an unforgettable experience.
You’ve never seen a martial arts movie like this one, and featuring the premiere of an original re-score.
A recognised pioneer of the Chiptune scene, CHIPZEL is known for her idiosyncratic original work producing the scores to videogames including Super Hexagon, Dicey Dungeons and Spectra. Her prolific musical career and iconic performances have seen her feature on BBC Sounds and tour the world bringing her acclaimed sound to audiences across the globe.
The evening will also feature a special guest introduction from Dr Wayne Wong – School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield – lecturer and researcher across Martial Arts Studies, Culture and Society in East Asia and Action Cinema.