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The Sheffield culture guide written by in-the-know locals


That feeling that comes on immediately after eating a cup full of pick n’ mix – that giddy, saccharine high before the sugar comedown – is pretty much what it’s like to behold anything produced by TADO.

With their love for cartoon pandas, bold rainbow panels, and bubble fonts, it’s impossible not to smile when taking in the array of toys, graphics and illustrations created by TADO’s Mike and Katie. Their lighthearted approach to design plays to the child in all of us. Set foot in TADO's shiny happy world.

How would you describe your work?
A happy blend of strange influences, mangled imaginations, potty humour, and a warped awareness of the outside world.

What inspires you?
Textbook answer: anything, everyone and each other. The truth would be more like hours spent trawling the internet in search of weirdness and travels we’ll never get to go on!

What’s your desk or workspace like?
We like to keep our desks minimal and tidy…. but fail every time! Within a few hours they’re covered again with toys, nicknacks, tea cups and crumbs!

What do you love about Sheffield?
The unfussy, unshouty nature of amazingly talented people and ventures just quietly getting on and doing cool stuff. All the "undiscovered" gems that we still retain as a city. Also the hills, the walking, the biking and the climbing. And the cakes. And the pies. And the chips.

What would you do to improve the city?
We’d open a micro car museum, a pygmy petting zoo (small animals, not pygmies) and a panda-themed maid cafe.

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