The Picturing Sheffield exhibition at the Weston Park Museum art gallery shows how our city has reinvented itself over the centuries. It showcases everything from 19th-century oil paintings to 21st-century street art to remind us that change is pretty much constant.
With all the paintings put in the same place, you can’t help but think about the changes we’re living through right now.
Paint your own history
Take a look at the exhibition on this online gallery then paint the same place as it is now. You could do this by using Google Maps Street View or searching for the place online. Or why not document the changing landscape where you live by painting the view from your window. Share your artwork using #picturingsheffield
Make it new
You can see images of contemporary street artist Jo Peel's brilliant work here. If you are inspired by her work, why not try a stylised line drawing using a drawing pen? Or use a digital device to create your picture – search the App store for the Brushes Painting App to get started – its available for phones and tablets, and is what the artist David Hockney used to create a whole sequence of paintings recently.
Use the materials you like best or challenge yourself to master something new. Acrylics, gouache, poster paints or watercolours would work well. You could use charcoal for a monochrome picture. Or you could try using different pencil types for a range of light and shade.
For the full adventure visit Create Sheffield.
Sheffield Adventures are a range of activities that encourage young people to participate in arts and culture, and be inspired by their creative home city. Check out some more adventures here.