Shakespeare’s plays reflect every facet of our lives, from domestic relationships to geopolitics. Violent regime change, the political vacuum and civil war left in its wake, idealistic, naive leaders who lead their supporters to catastrophe, the triumph or downfall of populist manipulators and fractured relationships continue to be the stuff of our news channels daily. There is no need to make Julius Caesar ‘relevant’ for a modern audience; it is and always will be.
This play was originally performed in modern dress with very few props, costumes and minimal set at The Globe in 1599. This production will use ‘found’ costume and props, engage closely with the audience and build in movement to help storytell the big events. There are lots of great parts. The language is beautiful, heightened, balanced, muscular and visceral; it’s the beating heart of the play and shows us how argument, like statistics, can sway us to believe and act on anything if it’s packaged skilfully enough.
Presented by The Company, a collective of local theatre creatives.
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