Whirlow Rabbits & Friends is an immersive experience taking your group on a journey through the farm, meeting various woodland friends along the way.
Mrs Squirrel needs help putting up all her washing! Create your very own apron design to take away with you.
Something noisy is taking place in the yard. Join two bouncy bunnies for a sensory dance party with bubbles, music and colour.
Into the barn with you now, Puddles the Duck is waiting for you. Take part in her interactive story book reading to help put her chicks to sleep. She’ll be joined by her fellow duck friends.
Fishy the Frog is busy catching fish in his pond. Race to see how many fish you can catch, be careful though – he's been known to cheat. Take away a tasty treat for all your hard work.
Off to the garden! There’s some vegetables to steal. You better be sneaky, however, the farmer's prowling around, and he hates people being in his garden.
One very famous bunny is waiting to meet you – he’s even got some treats to give away. Snap a picture as this is one meet and greet.
Head down into the Hen House to say hello to the rabbits, goats, sheep, guinea pigs and more. Don’t forget to visit the playground too.
Each child will leave with two edible treats and a craft.